Work Space Clarity - Part II

IN THE PREVIOUS POST, we talked about setting up your home work space for comfort and efficiency. Now, I want to offer some ideas on how to make your home office or work space more organized and inviting.
Whether you have organization systems already in place, there are many ways to make your area more welcoming.
The System
Mark Your Territory: Be sure to keep an area on your desk free and open. No one wants to have to clear their area before sitting down to get some work done. This just becomes another chore or added “To-Do” on the already too large “To-Do” list. However, making sure to always leave a space open and free of clutter means whenever the time comes to get busy, you can sit down and immediately get things done!
Steady the Spaghetti: You know what I’m talking about. You see a desk and the first thing you notice are cables. Power, phone, Internet, etc. all on display looking like a bundled mess of spaghetti. Steady the spaghetti by implementing good cable management. You can pin cords under your desk or hide them under a small area rug to keep from tripping over them or getting your chair tangled. Use miscellaneous items on your desk such as picture frames, mailboxes, books, etc to hide cords behind them as well.
It’s Alive!: The last thing we want to do is sit down at our workspace on only think about the work we have to get done. Bring your workspace to life by adding more personable items to the area such as family photos or the kids artwork. Instead of the boring black, brown, and manilas, use a variety of colors for your containers, binders, and folders to boost your energy and provide inspiration.
I hope these helpful tips are sparking creative ways you can make your work area more appealing and enticing. Next, we will go over adding some special touches to your area that will help to keep you motivated and encouraged.